Grades K-3 (Mon-Wed, Fri): 8:00 am - 2:10 pm
Grades 4-12 (Mon-Wed, Fri): 8:00 am - 3:05 pm
Grades K-12 (Thursday): 8:00 am - 1:45 pm
Bus departs at 3:15 pm (Mon-Wed, Fri), and at 2:00 on Thursday.
We have special dates for minimum days that end at 12:35 pm.
Kudos for Kids, a free afterschool program provided by the Potter Valley Youth and Community Center, is available for students in grades K-8 all days school is in session. Students in grades 1-3 who take the bus will be escorted to Kudos after their school day ends, where they can work on homework and other enrichment activities until the bus departs at 3:15 pm, or parents can pick them up before 6 pm. Teachers are present for extra help after school Tuesdays - Thursdays until 4pm. Special programs are in place at Kudos for Fridays, bringing in art, music, science, and other activities indoor and outdoor. Kudos is now located in the former District office at 10270 Main Street.
Kudos full day hours run until 6pm daily. Your child should be registered with Kudos to attend. For more information, call Kudos at 743-1789.
Playground supervision begins at 7:30 am and no students are permitted on the playground prior to that time. The Community Center now has an afterschool program for pre-school and kindergarten students. Contact them at 743-1789 for more information.
Click here for the 2019-2020 school year calendar listing holidays and minimum days (46k PDF). First day of school is Monday, August 19, 2019, and the last day of school is Thursday, June 4, 2020.