Potter Valley Elementary School
10401 Main Street Potter Valley, CA 95469 phone: (707) 743-1115 fax: (707) 743-1483 Phones are answered 7:30 am - 4:00 pm |
Enrollment for the fall begins in May. Drop by the elementary school office between 8am - 4pm to fill out the forms to enroll your child.
Potter Valley's normal enrollment area extends from Redwood Valley to the Lake County line north of Highway 20. We accept students from outside this area on a case by case basis. |
Potter Valley Elementary School has been recognized twice as a California Distinguished School, first in 1994 and again in 2006. Recognition is awarded by the state to schools that have demonstrated their excellence through evidence of high academic expectations for all students, visionary and collaborative leadership, implementation of state-adopted standards, regular and systematic monitoring of student progress, a strong core curriculum, teaching strategies that provide challenging learning experiences for all students, learning support services for those with special needs, support for student learning through family involvement and partnerships with business and community groups, a safe school culture that promotes positive character traits, programs that foster wellness and healthy behaviors, and a well maintained learning environment that communicates the importance of education in society.

A quality teaching staff, small classes and a proud community with a long tradition of support for their school is the basis for the success of Potter Valley Elementary. Students are provided with a variety of print, electronic and material resources to build skills for school and for the future. We continually review and update our textbooks and print resources, and enrich our curriculum with hands-on materials, electronic media, and videos. All of our classes have an internet connected computer. The student study team process identifies students who are having difficulty learning. Parents and staff work together to devise a plan to assist the student's learning. If concerns persist, with parental permission, the student can be assessed for specific learning disabilities. Our special needs students are mainstreamed into the regular education classroom setting with the goal of full inclusion. Our school-wide goals are to challenge all students to excel and demonstrate a command of basic skills:

- read, understand, and respond to information from a variety of sources
- communicate a logical opinion both verbally and in writing
- demonstrate problem-solving and decision-making skills
- seek information and ask questions
- work independently by setting priorities, organizing time and following through to completion
- develop success habits rooted in a high level of personal responsibility and community service
Students attend school for 180 days per year. After school, students have the option of attending a program of extracurricular activities and homework help at the Potter Valley Youth and Community Center, which provides programs in art, music, physical education, cooking, science, computers, and other projects on a 6 week rotating schedule that are designed to complement the elementary school programs.
Learning Environment
The Potter Valley Elementary School staff is committed to a comprehensive instructional program and safe, orderly school environment for all students. Clearly stated behavioral expectations and consequences are communicated to students throughout the school year. In the fall, the districted adopted discipline rules and policies are distributed to all parents and students. The adopted discipline chart focuses on progressive consequences. Suspensions are used when other alternatives have failed to correct inappropriate behaviors. Behavior threatening harm or direct personal harm and drugs or weapons result in immediate suspension and for the most serious behavioral infractions, recommendation for expulsion. Teachers use the Love and Logic program of discipline, which is most effective with good home/school communication. Love and Logic parenting courses are taught spring and fall, and a library of support materials is also available for parents.
The Potter Valley Elementary School staff is committed to a comprehensive instructional program and safe, orderly school environment for all students. Clearly stated behavioral expectations and consequences are communicated to students throughout the school year. In the fall, the districted adopted discipline rules and policies are distributed to all parents and students. The adopted discipline chart focuses on progressive consequences. Suspensions are used when other alternatives have failed to correct inappropriate behaviors. Behavior threatening harm or direct personal harm and drugs or weapons result in immediate suspension and for the most serious behavioral infractions, recommendation for expulsion. Teachers use the Love and Logic program of discipline, which is most effective with good home/school communication. Love and Logic parenting courses are taught spring and fall, and a library of support materials is also available for parents.

Student Support Services
Students need assistance with personal problems, academic issues, learning disabilities, and health issues. Our intervention support personnel and strategies focus on personal responsibility and the development of positive personal social skills. The following services are available to all K-12 Potter Valley students. When the student's need is beyond our resources, referrals to outside agencies are made.
Services Available:
Students need assistance with personal problems, academic issues, learning disabilities, and health issues. Our intervention support personnel and strategies focus on personal responsibility and the development of positive personal social skills. The following services are available to all K-12 Potter Valley students. When the student's need is beyond our resources, referrals to outside agencies are made.
Services Available:
- Resource teachers
- Speech therapist
- Nurse
- Psychologist
- Crisis counseling
- Counselor
- Free after school student care and activities through the Potter Valley Youth Community Center's KUDOs program.